Über Tarot Doctor

The golden path of intuition

The Tarot runs deep and it is a tool to read Energies within your being. Imagine yourself starting a journey into something unknown.

The journey starts for everyone the same: As the fool, the zero in numerology. It is the start where everything and nothing is possible at the same time. The first Card in Tarot is the Fool, the beginning of your personal life journey.

As a Fool, we all are, we are completely depended on our parents and Family. From this energy we start our journey onto the golden path of intuition.

To describe what this path is, is easy, but to walk this path is another story. I am Roland, and i am here to help you to find your golden path of intuition.

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“The game of life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy.”

– Florence Scovel Shinn

Roland Steinmaßl – The Tarot Doctor

I am Roland and i am an intuitive Tarot Reader, working with you to find your golden path of intuition.

Contact me via Telegram Book Now